Thursday, February 26, 2009

just a rant...cloudy thoughts

today was a pretty tiresome day; I was burning up in the middle of the previous february night (well, early morning actually)and just couldn't get to sleep. So, I just got up earlier than I planned to study. I swore my constitutional law professor had it out for me today so I wracked my conscientiousness with quasi-immutable-classified-suspects due strictly rational scrutiny…I think…she didn't even call on me.

I've been disappointed lately because I haven't really been in touch with my thoughts. Every now and then I go through periods of kinetic subjugation, mentality being repressed. ideas come to me but not the energy to explore them; I've been writing them down to revisit (most likely around 3 O'Clock a.m. tomorrow). what i was able to unfurl is that i'm lacking stimulating interactions and i believe it is because i am currently overexposed to contact (via 11 different social networks, instant messaging, telephone/text msg, email, notes, personal messengers etc.)…I miss just having my notebook. I've resolved that I must have more communication with myself than with anyone or anything else.

Just a little check in….i've got a few stories to tell you later; and i'll get some new pictures up too.

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